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“Thousand” game / Игра «Тысяча»

Thousand: user guide

ƒ  RD AAOW FDL; 25.06.2023; 20:26

General information about “Thousand” game

The game uses 5 dice. Each player takes turns rolling the dice. If all or part of the dice form a combination, the player may optionally roll all or the remainder of the dice respectively again. Only after all the dice have taken part in the combinations, they can all be rolled again.

Each roll brings points (for each roll they are counted separately), which are accumulated until the player saves them. Unsaved points are burned if some roll didn’t give any combinations. When saving points or when they burn out, the turn passes to the next player. The game continues until one of the players gets exactly 1000 points.

Combinations that allow you to perform an additional roll:

Combination Points increment
one “one” +10
one “five” +5
two “ones” +20
two “fives” +10
three “ones” +100
three “twos” +20
three “threes” +30
three “fours” +40
three “fives” +50
three “sixes” +60
four “ones” +200
four “twos” +40
four “threes” +60
four “fours” +80
four “fives” +100
four “sixes” +120
five “ones” +1000
five “twos” +200
five “threes” +300
five “fours” +400
five “fives” +500
five “sixes” +600
“one”, “two”, “three”, “four” and “five” +150
“two”, “three”, “four”, “five” and “six” +250

It should be noted that if the sum of the saved and current points exceeds 1000, the current points are also burned.

In addition, there are so-called “casks” in the game (in the app they’re indicated on the scales from above by red areas). These are the cases where the points saved are in one of the following ranges: 0 to 100 (not including 100), 300 to 400 (not including 400), or 700 to 800 (not including 800). In these cases, the dice must be rolled until the sum of points leaves these ranges.

Blue scales allow you to navigate with the “casks”, indicating where the player will be relative to them if he saves points. The yellow bars show the points already saved.
