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GMJ project: the concept

ƒ  RD AAOW FDL; 13.09.2023; 1:24


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The project concept

We’ve been accompanying the Grammar must joy community for quite some time. And at this point, the conclusion suggests itself that the result of its existence wasn’t only the opportunity to collect some conclusions about what the ideal joke or anecdote could be. The fact is that in the process of filling the community, we successfully created and tested a mechanism that still exists as a button in the uNot application. How does it work?

In this form, this mechanism has been working properly for more than three years. It can potentially be applied to any content with certain critical characteristics:

As you understand, jokes easily fit these characteristics – in general, the concept was developed for them. But it is inapplicable to weather forecasts or quotes. We have already tried to implement this method for content of a different kind. But these attempts haven’t yet been successful